Simple Loan Assignment Agreement

7.3. Under this Agreement, the AV Marketplace Assignee, as the Buyer`s Trustee, irrevocably authorises the Partner to claim and recover default interest from the Transferee, in accordance with the cooperation agreement between the credit entity, the Partner and the AV Marketplace, if the Partner does not pay the sums received by the Borrower, that one of them must pay to the buyer in accordance with the agreement. or the cooperation agreement on the due date. This assignment instrument covers the situation in which a creditor transfers its rights to a new lender in respect of a loan agreement. Only the rights of the original lender are assigned in the loan agreement (i.e. the right to repayment of the loan and interest). Since only rights and not obligations are assigned, the borrower should not be a party to the deed of assignment. The parties are the original lender and the entity purchasing the loan. amend the loan agreement or conclude additional agreements in accordance with the provisions of clause 6.7 of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale; 7.2. In the event of the insolvency of the partner or originator of the credit or partner, in accordance with the cooperation agreement concluded between the credit entity, the partner and AV Marketplace, the buyer irrevocably authorises AV Marketplace as an agent to inform the borrower of the assignment of the claim on behalf of the assignee and to require the borrower: any payment resulting from the right to AV Marketplace or, in the event of transfer of the management of the claim by AV Marketplace, to a third party, from a third party as trustee of the buyer. The assignee authorizes AV Marketplace to send the borrower notifications of assignment of the receivable. 4.1.

The assignee shall pay the partner the agreed assignment costs specified by mutual agreement with the general conditions of assignment of the receivable indicated in the agreement. An overview of why a lender typically wants to transfer a loan and a review of some key themes are available in the practice paper: Key Issues for Credit Transfers. A guilt and acquisition agreement is a very simple document in which one party assigns its debt to another party and the other agrees to incur that debt. The party rejecting the debt is the original debtor; They are called assignars. The party assuming responsibility is the new debtor; they are appointed as agents. 12.1. The parties will not inform the borrower of the assignment of the receivable, unless this Agreement so requires. The parties will not complain in this regard. 10.3.

With the conclusion of the agreement, the parties agree on essential elements of the debt redemption agreement. The terms of the debt buyback agreement are included in the terms of the agreement and therefore there is no need to enter into a separate agreement on the redemption of the claim. From the date of payment by the credit operator of the redemption price referred to in clause 10.4 of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the contract for the redemption of the claim is deemed to have been concluded, unless otherwise expressly provided in the agreement. 5.1. In order to avoid any disagreement, the parties declare and acknowledge point 7.1.1. to enter into, on behalf of the buyer, the warranty agreement with the warranty, at AV Marketplace`s discretion, on the terms of AV Marketplace and to provide other guarantees guaranteeing the performance of the lender`s and partner`s obligations under this agreement; the law – often referred to as a “legal” assignment, because they have an effect equivalent to a legal transfer, or the assignment is a means by which a lender can transfer its shares in a loan to another lender. . . .